
Monday, January 16, 2012

All those who live with any degree of serenity
live with some assurance of grace. 
~~Reinhold Neibhuhr
Counting grace drops every day...Gifts #215-228
...a letter not sent; the symbol of a new friendship
...peanut butter pudding, waiting to go in a pie crust
...Fullness and love; there is no waiting for His goodness.
...My biggest boy's silly fake sickness
...Refreshing words from Joshua; "Be Strong and courageous."
...Hidden messages in text messages that only the person getting them can read
...Encouraging conversations overheard
...My Mom's selflessness as she washes the dishes no one else wanted to do
...Words of encouragement from those gone before
...Security and peace, knowing "As for God, His ways are perfect."
...Healing by Jesus in our hearts and family hopechest from dad crazy awesome jumper cable Christmas present from my crazy awesome best friend
...Marks of faithfulness...

...crazy love that brings more pleasure than anything on earth
...dirty dishes...


1 comment:

  1. great images and that quote is such a great reminder! thank you for sharing. :)


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