
Monday, September 13, 2010

First Week at Mission Training Center, NYC

Well here we are at the beginning of our second week! Our first week has been relatively smooth. The first day was a bit of a struggle(I figured out why they call culture shock, culture shock=), but after our introduction to the city in the afternoon it has actually been fun. Unfortunately, our camera's USB cord did not get brought along, so pictures will have to wait till we get back. Most of our classes last week were linguistics, since the teacher left for Bangladesh. That was a little heavy, but we survived  the classes, learned a lot, and enjoyed the street assignments very much. I must say that the afternoon assignments out on the streets are my daily highlights. It is like another country in here! Literally--the whites are the minority, the English speakers are a minority, and many of the buildings have writing of another language on them. We have quite a study load, so we would appreciate your prayers as we go through that. Also please pray for physical wellness and strength. We are are all tired and I am struggling with back, neck, and head pain --not a good thing when we are walking around 2 hours every day, often carrying heavy backpacks. Otherwise, we are are doing great! Thank you all for your prayes and support!

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